Boris was seen in vicinity of Domededovo airport making contact with Timofei.
Intentions unknown.
This is very exotic place.
Possible to find many first class airline companies here:
Nordwind, Air Moldova, Tajik-Air, Turkmenistan Airlines, Air Kyrgyrstan, Vim Avia and Scat Airlines.
Must report no Coconut Airways operating here.
Viktor also reports
Boris took Timofei to Taxi desk but was deceived by agent, pretending to be taxi kompaniya.
Agent took both outside where it was revealed fare would be 7800 rubles ($225)
Boris objected and said he saw fare on internet for 1650 rubles.
Taxi mafia don finally dropped fare to 2500 rubles.
In defence it was 3:00 am and difficult to find honest man.
Keep vigilant!