Last day in Khabarovsk

Relatively quiet day today, headed off from here and went and spent a few hours in the Regional Museum which covered many of the local animals and history of local people – poets, political party members, heroes of the CCCP (USSR)

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– we then went and had an easier time by checking out some outlying areas via tram which was good fun and gave us the chance to sit for a while.

Wandered through the markets and found Ian a new man bag and then back to the hotel and had a bite on the way but neither of us was really hungry.

Have tried to catch up on some of the blogging stuff again but the Wi-Fi has not been very good at all and rather frustrating. Heading off to bed as we have a 5am start to get through the airport and as IT savvy that this place is, some of the airports do not allow electronic booking confirmation so we need to be there.

Generally the Wi-Fi all over Russia has been just brilliant. Although a few places do not provide it, most restaurants and cafes do (and it is fast) just like in the hotels (some hotels get a bit clogged up at times) and the beauty is, it is always free. Even when traveling across on the trans Siberian rail, there always seemed to be someone talking on a mobile phone – Australia has a long way to catch up.


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